Thursday, March 7, 2013

Reading Ahead: April 2013, part 2

As promised, I'm back with more April titles worthy of note!

Secrets from the Past, by Barbara Taylor Bradford

A Perfect Proposal, by Katie Fforde

Life After Life, by Kate Atkinson

The Edge of the Earth, by Christina Schwarz

If there's one you might want to pause and consider, it's Christina Schwarz's latest after a very long hiatus.  She is likely best known for her first novel, Drowning Ruth, which was published in 2000 to great accolades--it was a New York Times bestseller and was chosen for Oprah's Book Club.  This latest, about a woman who, at the turn of the last century, leaves behind the ordinary comforts of her old life for the extraordinary adventures awaiting her with an enigmatic and ambitious new man, is being heralded as beautiful, haunting, and fast-paced.  I, for one, cannot wait.

And if spring puts you in the mood for love, your bases are covered.  Whether you're looking for romance with a thriller bent (Secrets from the Past), a romantic comedy to savor (A Perfect Proposal), or a historical romance with a literary bent (Something to Remember You By), we've got you covered.  Honestly, I'm a bit torn on what I want to read first.  Wilder's latest, set during WWII, is full of deceit and espionage--when I call it a historical romance, please consider it the anti-bodice-ripper, okay?  And I also really am intrigued by Atkinson's latest, Life After Life, which is being billed as witty and wildly inventive, about a girl who is born, and dies, and yet lives on.  

Lots to look forward to, and we're only halfway through the list!  See you next week with more great up-and-coming titles.  Happy Reading!

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