Thursday, May 24, 2012

On a deserted island

What one book would you want with you if you were stranded on a deserted island?  This question has been posed to me more than once in my life.  My answer has been the same for at least the last twenty years: The Complete Works of William Shakespeare.  (What?  It comes as a single volume--it counts!)   Why?  History, language, and sheer entertainment value.  And really, if I was to be stranded for years with only a single volume, I'd want something with both drama and comedy, murder and magic.  Wouldn't you?  Or would you?  Tell me:  What one book would you want with you in this scenario?  Share in the comments!

Have a happy and safe holiday weekend--I'm back next week with reading challenge updates and reviews!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So I wouldn't run out of reading material, I would pick a good encyclopedia -- and though it would be multi-volumes, I think it should still count as one book.

Donna Soucy