We're in the thick of summer reading here at the library, and ordering new books that will be released this fall. My list of books I want to read just grows and grows, no matter how fast I read. And I got to thinking.
1. How do you, non-librarian readers, find out about new books coming out? Television or print ads? Listserv emails or blogs? Author websites? I'd love to hear in the comments. (I read an average of eleven professional journals each month, full of reviews. And sometimes they miss things, too!)
2. Do you keep a formal list of what you've read, and what you want to read? I do keep one of the former, but I don't keep an official "to read" list beyond what I place on request at the library and on Overdrive for my Kindle. I have a Goodreads account, but I am sorely remiss in maintaining it. Anyone else use Goodreads?
3. What genres would you like me to share more on? There are so many possibilities, but I'd like to tailor some posts more toward you, my readers. Any preferences?
I can't believe it, but I'll be back next Tuesday to share what I've read over the month of July with you--the summer is going by so fast! And Thursday, if you can pull yourselves away from the Olympic Games, I'll start sharing some titles that will be released in September. In the meantime, stay cool, and happy reading!
Hi Megan - I find out about new books from the NY Times book review, blogs, e-mails from Barnes and Noble and RJ Julia and, of course, friends and friendly librarians;)
I am devoted to Goodreads and keep careful records of the books I read. I also request new reads immediately from the library but older books go on my "to read" list on Goodreads. Oh I also find new reads from firends reviews on goodreads - a really useful website.
I'm addicted to Goodreads, and the Readers' Nook 40+ group on Facebook.
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